Empowering the educational choices of young
adults entrepreneurs innovators

Options Solutions is a full-service educational consulting company that empowers students to pursue their academic goals. Our main areas of expertise include post-secondary advising (including Canada, the US, and the UK), adolescent interest exploration, writing support, and group educational support services. We welcome all students and their families to our practice; Options is a place for everyone.

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We construct progressive action plans for the future, based on each student’s individual strengths, values, and interests. Each session is an unique opportunity to empower and energize our students, aiming for academic success. We don't help by algorithms or standardized feedback- we are customized, personal and intuitive.

Need help applying to educational institutions?

With us, what can be a complicated process will become a series of manageable steps.

Parent & Student

Educational counseling is much more than opening a university calendar and checking to see if one has made the grades to get in. Educational counseling is the total assessment of the student academically, emotionally and intellectually.

The team at Options Solutions takes the time to assist the student in making choices based on their personal learning style, aptitude, and career choice. They provide options and solutions that give the student direction. After a session with an educational consultant the student leaves feeling empowered and more focused. Suddenly, the ability to make a decision is not so daunting and the energy needed to pursue it is in abundance. The team has all the skills and tools needed to assist any individual in an educational/career choice. But more than that the staff exude enthusiasm and passion for their work and that is clearly observed by the student.

I will always be grateful to Options Solutions for how you helped me with my daughter and son. As a busy single father, when I first consulted you three years ago, I was experiencing difficulty understanding my children’s educational goals. My daughter was anxious about what to do after Grade 12 and was uncertain about how to proceed. You quickly won her confidence and your system of evaluation and planning reduced her anxiety and stress level. You gave her confidence and a path. My son is in Grade 10 and he has become an early adopter. He asked me if he could talk to you about his future. Following your process, he too is more confident about his selection of academic subjects and how these choices will benefit him down the road.

I have referred a number of friends to Options Solutions and I would like to thank you not only on behalf of my children, but as a parent, who was in search of honest guidance; you have provided that guidance to me and my family.

During my high school career, I got to experience the magic that Options offers students applying to post-secondary. The task of determining where to attend a post-secondary education is daunting for many, including myself at the the time. However, the Options team uses their experience and skills to make it a painless process for both the student and their family. From creating a list of schools to apply to, proofreading supplements, saying little prayers before submitting, and accepting my offer to the university of my dreams, the Options team was there every step of the way.

I am proud to share that with the help of Options, I ended up at a university that prepared me for the world in terms of taking classes that I was interested in, getting internships to expand my network, and leading a meaningful, successful and happy life as a student and worker.

Our experience with Options Solutions was incredible. The knowledge and expertise you provided with regard to the various Canadian universities and their application processes was invaluable. Our daughter was able to enjoy the remainder of the school year knowing she had made the right choice!

We would highly recommend your services to anyone who has a child considering a post-secondary education.